Brian Eun Go Everett Hamner Hadley Kamminga Award Recipients

 MACOMB/MOLINE, IL - - The Western Illinois University Foundation and the Office of Sponsored Projects have awarded five stipends to WIU faculty for Summer 2024.

The grants, which amount to almost $17,000, provide opportunities for faculty to engage in projects leading to the professional advancement of the proposal writer, and the enhancement of WIU in the areas of teaching, research and creative activity.

"As part of our mission to promote and support scholarly activity, the Office of Sponsored Projects is honored to be engaged with the WIU Foundation in supporting the Summer Stipend program," said Shannon Sutton, director of the Office of Sponsored Projects.

"The WIU Foundation is proud to support our University's faculty scholarly activity," said Brad Bainter, executive officer of the WIU foundation. "Since 1989, the Foundation has provided Summer Stipend Awards so faculty have the opportunity to engage in projects beyond those traditionally pursued during the academic year."

Summer 2024 recipients include:

Biological Sciences
Professor Brian Peer - The Cowbird Strikes at Dawn: Interactions between obligate brood parasite and its host during laying events

Broadcasting and Journalism
Assistant Professor Eun Go - Mastery of Digital Analytical Tools to Enhance the PR Curriculum Aligning with Emerging Industry Requirements

Professor Everett Hamner- Ursula K. Le Guin's Evolving Theory of Reality: Taoist Philosophy, Christian Nationalism and Archival Evidence

Theatre & Dance
Professor Assistant Professor Hadley Kamminga-Peck - Shakespeare's Wild Women: A De-Patriarching of Gender and Witchcraft in Shakespeare's Plays

For more information about the Summer Stipend program, visit

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